Welcome to giveme’s documentation!

Giveme is a dependency injection framework for python. It gives you the tools to separate external services, such as database wrappers and web frameworks from your business logic.


The Injector class is at the heart of giveme. It acts as a dependency registry and injects dependencies into function arguments.

You register a dependency factory using its register() decorator and inject a dependency into a another function or method using the inject() decorator.

from giveme import Injector

injector = Injector()

def magic_number():
    return 42

def double_number(magic_number):
    return magic_number*2


Dependency cache (singleton and thread local dependencies)

By default, the injector calls the dependency factory every time its used. So in the example above, magic_number() is called every time you call double_number without arguments

In the real world, your dependencies are generally more complex objects that may involve network calls that are expensive to initalize or carry some kind of state that you want to persist between uses.

Using register() with the singleton argument achieves this by only calling the dependency factory the first time it’s used, after that its return value is cached for subsequent uses. E.g.

def number_list():
    return [1, 2, 3]

def increment_list(number_list):
    for i in range(len(number_list)):
        number_list[i] += 1
    return number_list

[2, 3, 4]
[3, 4, 5]

Every call to increment_list() operates on the same instance of number_list()

threadlocal can also be used for the same effect, that makes the dependency cache use Threading.local storage behind the scenes so that each instance of a dependency is only available to the thread that created it.

Naming dependencies

By default register() uses the name of the decorated function as the dependency name.

This can be overriden using the name keyword argument:

def redis_cache():

When injecting inject() matches dependency names to the decorated function’s arguments. This can also be overriden by passing any number of keyword arguments in the format of argument_name='dependency_name'


def do_cache_stuff(cache):
    # cache receives the 'cache_wrapper' dependency

Nested dependencies

A dependency may have its own dependencies. For instance you might have two database wrappers that share a database connection (pool). Luckily you can inject dependencies into other dependencies same as anything else, e.g.:

import redis

def redis_client():
    return redis.Redis.from_url('my_redis_url')

def cache(redis_client):
    return MyRedisCache(redis_client)

def session_store(redis_client):
    return MyRedisSessionStore(redis_client)

You can now inject cache or session_store into other functions and both will use the same Redis instance behind the scenes.

Argument binding

inject() handles any combination of injected and manually passed arguments and it only injects for arguments that are not explicitly passed in. Ordering does not matter beyond python’s regular argument order rules.

E.g. This works as expected:

def something():
    return 'This is a dependency'

def do_something(a, *args, something, b=100, c=200, **kwargs):
    return a, args, something, b, c, kwargs

do_something(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b=200, c=300, x=55)

And to override the dependency

do_something(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, something='overriden dependency', b=200, c=300, x=55)

Bypass injection

Dependency injection can always be bypassed by manually passing in replacement values for their respective arguments.

For instance in our increment_list function above:

print(increment_list([0, 0, 0])
[2, 3, 4]
[1, 1, 1]

API reference


class giveme.injector.Dependency(name, factory, singleton=False, threadlocal=False)

Bases: object

__init__(name, factory, singleton=False, threadlocal=False)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

exception giveme.injector.DependencyNotFoundError

Bases: Exception

exception giveme.injector.DependencyNotFoundWarning

Bases: RuntimeWarning

class giveme.injector.Injector

Bases: object


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

cache(dependency: giveme.injector.Dependency, value)

Store an instance of dependency in the cache. Does nothing if dependency is NOT a threadlocal or a singleton.

  • dependency (Dependency) – The Dependency to cache
  • value – The value to cache for dependency

Get a cached instance of dependency.

Parameters:dependency (Dependency) – The Dependency to retrievie value for
Returns:The cached value

Delete (unregister) a dependency by name.

get(name: str)

Get an instance of dependency, this can be either a cached instance or a new one (in which case the factory is called)

inject(function=None, **names)

Inject dependencies into funtion’s arguments when called.

>>> @injector.inject
... def use_dependency(dependency_name):
>>> use_dependency()

The Injector will look for registered dependencies matching named arguments and automatically pass them to the given function when it’s called.

  • function (callable) – The function to inject into
  • **names – in the form of argument='name' to override the default behavior which matches dependency names with argument names.
register(function=None, *, singleton=False, threadlocal=False, name=None)

Add an object to the injector’s registry.

Can be used as a decorator like so:

>>> @injector.register
... def my_dependency(): ...

or a plain function call by passing in a callable injector.register(my_dependency)

  • function (callable) – The function or callable to add to the registry
  • name (string) – Set the name of the dependency. Defaults to the name of function
  • singleton (bool) – When True, register dependency as a singleton, this means that function is called on first use and its return value cached for subsequent uses. Defaults to False
  • threadlocal (bool) – When True, register dependency as a threadlocal singleton, Same functionality as singleton except Threading.local is used to cache return values.

Resolve dependency as instance attribute of given class.

>>> class Users:
...     db = injector.resolve(user_db)
...     def get_by_id(self, user_id):
...         return self.db.get(user_id)

When the attribute is first accessed, it will be resolved from the corresponding dependency function

Indices and tables